The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
171 lines
Version 2.5
This file provides information for Shareware Distributors, Disk
Vendors and Computer Clubs who wish to distribute the Recursive
Realm 2.5 package.
Program Name, Category, Keywords:
Program Name: Recursive Realm
Categories: (in order of preference)
1.) Fractal software
2.) Graphics software
3.) Math/Educational software
Program Requirements:
Recursive Realm requires an IBM PC/compatible with EGA or
VGA graphics, at least 512k available RAM, and DOS version 2.0
or higher. In addition, expanded memory (EMS) is supported
but not required. A math coprocessor is also supported but not
List of Features:
* Mandelbrot set exploration.
- Includes "warped" Mandelbrots.
* Julia set exploration.
- Five functions, including sin, cos, and exponential.
- Ability to select Julia set of Mandelbrot function
by "pointing" to an area while viewing a Mandelbrot
* Newton's Method exploration.
- Fourteen functions.
* Models of Magnetism exploration.
- Two functions.
* Easy-to-use front-end menu system.
* Unattended multiple-picture development.
* Help screens available at every step.
* Save pictures at any point and continue building at a later
* On-screen "zooming".
* Mouse support.
* 3-D projection.
* Sphere projection.
* Convolution (skeletonizing).
* Jigsaw puzzles (just for the fun of it).
* Rapid expansion.
* Pictures saved in PCX format.
* Escape sequence tracking.
* Color while building or after completion.
* Color via a "banded" or "smooth VGA" system.
* Uses expanded memory when available.
* Uses virtual screens for fast, efficient display.
* Takes advantage of symmetry where applicable.
* Slide-show animation.
* Simple mode selection (EGA, VGA, or smooth VGA).
* Includes two catalog files of over 200 picture parameters.
* Bonus programs for registering.
* Upgrades for no more than postage.
* Supported by author.
Program Description:
The following suggested descriptions are included to simplify
the job of the disk librarian.
Long Description: (Recommended)
Recursive Realm is a multi-featured fractal exploration
tool designed with the user in mind. A mathematical
education is not needed to explore the stunning fractal
images. Build and explore the Mandelbrot set, Julia
sets (5 equations), Newton's Method (14 equations), or
Models of Magnetism (2 equations). Use a mouse or key-
board to zoom in and blow-up any portion of an image.
Pictures can be saved at any stage of development and
continued at a later time. Pictures are saved in PCX
format for use with other software packages. To add to
the fun, project the fractals onto a 3-D plate, block,
or sphere (fractal planetoid), or build fractal jigsaw
puzzles. All options are chosen from an easy-to-use menu
with help available everywhere. ASP shareware. Requires
EGA or VGA graphics. Sample pictures included.
Medium Description:
Recursive Realm is a multi-featured fractal exploration
tool designed with the user in mind. A mathematical
education is not needed to explore the stunning fractal
images. Build and explore the Mandelbrot set, Julia
sets (5 equations), Newton's Method (14 equations), or
Models of Magnetism (2 equations). Features mouse
support, PCX format, 3-D, spheres, jigsaw puzzles, and an
easy-to-use menu with help available everywhere. ASP
shareware. Requires EGA or VGA graphics. Sample pictures
Short Description:
More than just a Mandelbrot set explorer, Recursive Realm
is a multi-featured fractal exploration tool designed with
the user in mind. Explore 22 total equations. Stunning
EGA or VGA graphics. Many features! ASP shareware.
Registration Information:
Registration Fee: $20.00
When a user registers, he or she will get the latest version
of the program, two FREE bonus programs, and upgrades for no more
than a small postage and disk fee.
Author Information:
Recursive Realm is a product of Austin Software Design,
Scott A. Jones - owner. Scott A. Jones is a member of the
Association of Shareware Professionals. You can contact
Austin Software Design at the following address:
Scott A. Jones
Austin Software Design
Rt. 3 22514 W. Gibson
Buckeye, Az. 85326
CompuServe User ID: [71241,1121]
Please Help Us Serve You Better:
If you include Recursive Realm in your library, please notify
Austin Software Design so we can place you on our automatic
upgrade list.
We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding
Recursive Realm. Please send us a copy of any reviews, articles,
catalog descriptions, or other information you print or
distribute regarding the Recursive Realm package. Thank you for
your time and assistance and for supporting the shareware
marketing concept.